Season 5 begins with returning guest actress, director, screenwriter Victoria Vertuga! Her latest project is the new film Lexi and Victoria shares the challenges of not only making the film, but how she refused to let the covid pandemic keep her from bei...
Season 5 begins with returning guest actress, director, screenwriter Victoria Vertuga! Her latest project is the new film Lexi and Victoria shares the challenges of not only making the film, but how she refused to let the covid pandemic keep her from being involved with creative projects.
Hollywood and Beyond with Steven Brittingham is your home for "Meaningful and In-depth Interviews and Conversations"
Clips from Lexi appear courtesy of Victoria Vertuga
Podcast promos by: Carrie Mitchum
Produced/Edited/Hosted by
Cincinnati actor/writer Steven Brittingham
Lexi is the tale of motivational influencer "Laughing Lexi" and she has gone missing. As the tale unfolds, the story of what really happened becomes stranger than fiction.
Visit the all new Hollywood and Beyond website!
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Thank you for listening friends and listeners! See you on the next episode soon.