She was the original Donna Logan on Bill Bell’s new daytime drama THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL when the show premiered on CBS on March 23rd, 1987. Her family has deep roots in the film industry. Grandfather Robert Mitchum is a cinema legend. Her uncle John M...
She was the original Donna Logan on Bill Bell’s new daytime drama THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL when the show premiered on CBS on March 23rd, 1987. Her family has deep roots in the film industry. Grandfather Robert Mitchum is a cinema legend. Her uncle John Mitchum was one of Hollywood’s most talented character actors. Make no mistake though - Carrie Mitchum is a true original!
Learn about her journey from actress to chef, and her adventures on the early years of THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL when Carrie Mitchum’s sentimental hour long interview premieres on Podbean, Apple Podcasts, iTunes, iHeartRadio, Spotify, Google Play Music and more on Hollywood and Beyond with Steven Brittingham Podcast.
Did you know Carrie Mitchum can often be heard welcoming listeners to episodes of Hollywood and Beyond Podcast?
Her grandfather is a cinema legend. What would Robert Mitchum have to say about Hollywood today? Hear what Carrie Mitchum has to say about all of this and so much more on the next episode. This past episode was recorded LIVE on an online radio network and now premieres on Podbean, Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Play Music and more this week. Featuring a new updated opening and ending segment! A truly sentimental interview experience! (Remastered Sound)
Clips courtesy of: THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL / CBS Bell-Phillip Television Productions featuring Carrie Mitchum and Bryan Genesse
Clips courtesy of: ABC - THE WINDS OF WAR
“Meaningful Interviews” Created, Edited, Produced, and Hosted by: Steven Brittingham Podbean,Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Play Music, TuneIn Radio and Radio Public App. Coming Soon to YouTube and more!
Show Theme by: Dario Saraceno Show Greeting by actress: Anna Easteden
Please visit Hollywood and Beyond with Steven Brittingham on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter for upcoming guest and show news
See you on another episode of Hollywood and Beyond! Thank you for listening. - Host Steven Brittingham